Welcome to the Czech Premodern Championship 2025 website! It is a great privilege to invite you to yet another edition of the most prestigious Premodern event held in Czechia! Mark your calendars, tune your decks, Premodern is coming back to Prague big time on June 8! Once again, we have a whole weekend of Magic ready for you, read on!
Saturday side event (June 7): To be announced
Sunday main event (June 8): Czech Premodern Championship
General Info
Event venue: F&B Catering, Paspa Hall – Nádražní 43/84, Prague, Czechia (www.fbcatering.cz/en/contact)
Date: June 7, 2025 (Czech DC Championship 2025); June 8, 2025 (Main event – Czech Premodern Championship).
Payment: We accept international bank transfers (IBAN+BIC) and Czech domestic bank transfers. In case you are unable to use those, contact us via email.
Food & Drinks: The restaurant on the ground floor of the venue (Potrefená Husa) offers a full lunch/dinner menu as well as drinks and small snacks.
Cancellation: In the case of cancellation, you are eligible for a full refund up until three weeks before the event date (i.e., May 18 at the latest). For organizational reasons, later cancellations will not be refunded. Please let us know as soon as possible if you cannot attend. Please find our contact info below.
Spectators: Due to limited space at the venue, spectators will not be allowed at the event.
You can reach us at czechpremodern@gmail.com
Sunday Main Event – Czech Premodern Championship
Event date: June 8, 2025. Start: 10:00 (Venue opens at 9:00)
Entry fee: 750 CZK (30 €)
Registration: To register for the event, please use the registration form below. The entry fee payment is carried out via bank transfer. Payment information will be provided upon registration. Your registration is NOT completed until your payment is processed.
Register for Czech Premodern Championship
Prizes: To be announced (Premodern Staples). Check our web and Facebook page for future updates!
Structure: Regular Swiss + Top 8; 50 min timed rounds.
Rounds: 2–64 players = 6 rounds; 65–128 players = 7 rounds; 129–200 players = 8 rounds
Cap: 200 players (In the case that the number of registrations exceeds the player cap, we will issue a waitlist)
Judges: The tournament will be held at Regular REL but we will still have multiple judges at the event to ensure a smooth progress of the tournament; answering any rules questions, or solving weird board states and disagreements.
Players are expected to act in a friendly and respectful manner. Any unsporting or aggressive conduct will not be tolerated. Players involved can be disqualified from the event and removed from the venue.
Rules: The rules of Premodern, including the legal sets and banned cards, can be found at premodernmagic.com/rules.
Reprints/Proxies: The Czech Championship is a non-proxy event. All tournament legal reprints are allowed. That means that you can play either your Alpha, Japanese 4th, or Magic 2011 Lightning Bolt. Note that Collector's Edition (IE/CE) and World Championship/Gold Bordered cards are allowed at the Czech Championship. All players are expected to use card sleeves with a matt background to prevent any potential misunderstandings regarding imperfect card conditions. This is especially true for IE/CE/WCD cards.
Also, note that Czech Premodern Championship 2023 Edition Basic Lands are unfortunately not allowed due to their imperfect size.
Decklists/photos: You need to upload both a written decklist and a photo of your deck before June 4 23:59 CEST (UTC +2) via your registration link. No deck changes are allowed afterward. There might be random deck checks during the tournament.
If you do not have all the cards available for taking your deck photo (e.g., because you intend to borrow some cards on-site right before the event), you can substitute the missing cards with proxies. However, we remind you that the use of proxies in the tournament itself is prohibited.
If you fail to upload your decklist and deck photo by the aforementioned deadline, you will be disqualified from the event.
This event wouldn't have been possible without our sponsors!
Adam Koska
Chief Commentator
Age: 39
Plays Magic since: 1999 (Mercadian Masques)
Favorite PM deck: BG Midrange Gamekeeper
Favorite PM card: Greater Good
- An obsessive deck builder who's on a never-ending quest to find a home for bad cards.
- A witch cursed his tiebreakers when he was a baby.
- Once strangled a cobra with his bare hands while playing (and winning) a local FNM draft.
Jirka "kokYnity" Čermák
Age: 34
Plays Magic since: 2001 (Odyssey)
Favorite PM deck: FEB
Favorite PM card: Survival of the Fittest
- Local premodern grinder.
- Enjoys the ultimate devastation of his opponents.
- Has deep personal issues with swords depicted in any art of Swords to Plowshares.
- If Jirka was a Bogle, he would be enchanted with five Rancors, ten Holy Strengths, one Pariah, and three Cho Manno's Blessings.
Václav Lhotka
Tech Support, Public Relations
Age: 37
Plays Magic since: 1998 (Stronghold)
Favorite PM deck: Stasis
Favorite PM card: Stasis
- People forbid him to play Stasis, so he builds different decks to entertain his opponents.
- During winter, he hibernates into a stasis and almost does not play premodern.
- Was added to the team to reduce number of Stasis decks in our tournaments.
Ondra Skalička
Website, Tech Support
Age: 39
Plays Magic since: 1997 (Tempest)
Favorite PM deck: Any variant on White Weenie
Favorite PM card: Armageddon, always
- Typical score 0-4.
- Builds decks for visuals rather than for power.
- Still strongly believe damage should go on the stack!
Tom Botka
Coordinator, Slave
Age: 34
Plays Magic since: 2001 (Odyssey)
Favorite PM deck: Madness
Favorite PM card: Wild Mongrel, Squee Goblin Nabob
- Always tries to prove that Madness is a good deck. He was not yet successful.
- Deck visual is more important than its power level!